Bat’s Big Game Connection

Bat’s Big Game‘ by Derek Munson and illustrated by Eugene Nobati is a picture book we’ve read before. But this time, we’re told to make connections to the story. Basically, it tells the story of a bat who always wanted to be on the winning side. At first, he thought animals looked strong and fast, so he joined the “A” team. After the game goes on for a while, the birds are winning 2:1. So Bat decides to join the birds team. They give him the “B” jersey, but when the animals take the lead, Bat goes back to the other side, however this time everyone realize what he was doing and kicks him from the game.

I can connect to this story to my own experiences, because my classmates, including me, always want to be on the winning side. From time to time I hear people saying things like “aww I got horrible teammates” or “my team is stacked!” But sometimes they will get a better or worse outcome than they thought. Secondly, I can relate this to some other books I read about animals and soccer. But obviously in real life they can’t play soccer. Finally is my connection to the media. When I was in China there isn’t Youtube, and my Mandarin isn’t very good so I can’t watch movies or television shows there. One day, my dad was watching Basketball on the TV. Since it was almost dinner time and there wasn’t much time to do anything else, I joined him. But unlike Bat, I stuck on one team, which ended up losing the game. Changing the team you’re on just makes it boring.

To sum it all up, I could make several connections to the book, and you should never leave your team because you never know what might happen.

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